David Brand
After 25 years of effectively leading organizations including the Financial Planning Association, End-of-Life Choices, the Institute of Certified Financial Planners, the Colorado and Denver Bar Associations, and Continuing Legal Education in Colorado, David became a full-time consultant in 2004. David’s consulting engagements with individuals and organizations utilizes an array of exceptional and proven models, protocols, assessment maps and practices that he has learned and applied through his experience as a CEO and his lifelong study of leadership development, group dynamics, personal growth and organizational excellence. The result is a client engagement that is always customized to the unique set of opportunities and circumstances of the client.
As a coach, David works with leaders to assess their core values and behavioral tendencies and align them with their work in the world. Using proven assessment tools and his strong intuitive capabilities, he offers guidance and support to enhance professional growth and life satisfaction.
Knowing that values lie behind all of our choices, David uses intricate and extensive values inventory maps to first assess and then support the alignment of an organization’s or an individual’s values with conscious priority setting and effective decision-making.
David received his law degree from the University of Denver College of Law and a masters degree in public administration from the University of Colorado.